Clinics & Services

The following clinics & services are provided by or at Sunlight Group Practice:

Over 40 health check (Well person screening)
Some healthy people under the age of 65 may be at increased risk of coronary artery disease (heart attacks) and strokes later in life. We strongly urge this health check for patients who have a relative who was affected by this sort of problem under the age of 60.

The screening will consist of blood pressure, weight, blood tests, and if appropriate, a lifestyle questionnaire and advice.

Chronic Heart Disease

The practice runs regular nurse led clinics to monitor patients with chronic heart disease. This appointment is done annually as standard, other review appointments will be organised as needed. You will be invited for your check up around your month of birth and will requite a blood test 1 week before your appointment.

Chronic Kidney Disease

The practice runs regular nurse led clinics to monitor patients with chronic kidney disease. This appointment is done annually as standard, other review appointments will be organised as needed. You will be invited for your check up around your month of birth and will requite a blood test 1 week before your appointment.

Cardiovascular Disease

The practice runs regular nurse led clinics to monitor patients with an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease. This appointment is done annually as standard, other review appointments will be organised as needed. You will be invited for your check up around your month of birth and will requite a blood test 1 week before your appointment.

The practice runs regular, specialist nurse led clinics to monitor patients with diagnosed diabetes. This appointment is done annually as standard, other review appointments will be organised as needed. You will be invited for your check up around your month of birth and will requite a blood test 1 week before your appointment.

The practice runs regular, specialist nurse led clinics to monitor patients with diagnosed asthma. This appointment is done annually as standard, other review appointments will be organised as needed.

COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
The practice runs regular, specialist nurse led clinics to monitor patients with diagnosed COPD. This appointment is done annually as standard, other review appointments will be organised as needed.


The practice runs regular nurse led clinics for patients that are eligible for cervical screening. Patients aged 25 to 49 are recalled every 3 years, patients aged 50 to 64 are recalled l is every 5 years since last smear taken.

Sexual Health
A full range of contraceptive services can be obtained by making an appointment either using PATCHS or by calling our Health Navigators. Alternatively, there are several clinics in the area providing a range of days and times. Information for this can be found on the sexual health service website.

  • Coils, Implants & the contraceptive pill

All GP’s offer routine contraception and sexual health advice. In addition to this Dr Hampshire is trained in fitting and removing coils and implants. Dr Tidey is trained in fitting and removing coils. Patients need to be seen by a GP for a consultation to assess the suitability for the coil & implant, to make an appointment either complete a PATCHS or call our Health Navigators.

  • Pre Conception Advice
    If you are planning a pregnancy we would suggest that you see your doctor for health advice at least three months before.

You can be referred to the Midwife by your GP, or you can self-refer by filling in the online registration form. The community midwife holds clinics at our Parkfield site; the appointments are managed by the hospital. You can call the booking team for the Midwife on 0151 604 7777 or you can visit their website for more information.

6 to 8 week baby check

This appointment is with a HCA and a GP, they check the baby’s progress, our team will contact you with an appointment once we receive the discharge report from the hospital. The 8 week immunisations cannot be given if this check-up is not done so please attend the appointment, if you are unable to attend, contact us to rearrange.

Childhood immunisation

Childhood immunisations will take place following the baby check, the practice runs regular clinics with our Practice Nurses. You will receive notification from the child health clinic when childhood immunisations are due, if you think your child is overdue, you can ask your Health Visitor, check the NHS vaccination schedule or contact our Health Navigators who will be able to advise.

Holiday Vaccinations

For advice on foreign travel please visit NHS travel vaccination advice or ring the information line at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine on 0891 172111. Whenever possible have your vaccinations eight weeks before travelling. The appointment for your vaccination will be an initial consultation with a practice nurse, they will make sure we have the correct vaccines and will arrange your face to face appointment.

Some travel vaccines are ordered on a private prescription and these incur a charge over and above the normal prescription charge.  This is because not all travel vaccinations are included in the services provided by the NHS. Our staff will be able to calculate the cost once the travel vaccination form has been completed and seen by a nurse.

There is further information about countries and vaccinations required on the links below:

Click this link to be directed to the GOV.UK website for travel advice:

Click this link for The National Travel Health Network and Centre website for travel advice:

Seasonal vaccinations

Some vaccinations are rolled out during certain times of the year to help combat seasonal diseases, you can book this with our Health Navigator.

  • Flu Clinics

Flu vaccination by injection, commonly known as the “flu jab” is available every year on the NHS, to find out more about this, check the NHS website.

The vaccine is given, to protect the following patient groups:

  • Anyone over the age of 65
  • Pregnant women
  • Children and adults with weakened immune systems
  • Children & adults with an underlying health condition (particularly long-term heart or respiratory disease)

COVID vaccines are given out during the Spring/Summer campaign and the Autumn/Winter campaign. We are unable to provide vaccines outside of the given timeframe as we only have the vaccines on-site during the campaign. To find out if there is a current campaign running, check on the NHS website.

While you might have received your COVID-19 vaccine during the past campaigns, the criteria for the vaccine does change slightly. The guide for the criteria is below:

  • Adults aged 75 years and over.
  • Residents in a care home for older adults.
  • Individuals aged 6 months and over who have a weakened immune system
  • RSV

New RSV vaccines are given out during the Autumn campaign

  • Add details of eligibility here

Minor surgery
Dr Delaney, Dr McLaren & Gemma Cotgrave hold regular minor surgery sessions, If you have a “lump or bump” that you would like to have removed, please make an appointment for an assessment.

Joint injections

Dr Delaney, Dr Boggild, Dr McLaren, Dr Ali, Dr Pritchard and Dr Lindley perform this service. Please make an appointment so that they can assess you and arrange treatment.


Dr Chambers is our Special Interest GP in dermatology, this allows patients to be seen and treated earlier than being seen at the hospital. You may still be referred to the hospital for further care.

Phlebotomy service (blood tests)

  • Appointments are available at both sites, there is also a home visit service available for those that are registered with the surgery as housebound.
  • Blood tests will only be arranged when clinically appropriate, this will usually be following a consultation, during an annual health check or at the request of your hospital consultant.

 Please note – if you are given blood forms by the hospital, you will need to bring them to your appointment and the surgery will not have the ability to reprint them if you misplace them.

 Samples & Specimens

 For infection control purposes please do not bring in any sample unless you have been requested to do so by your clinician.

  • Urine samples

There are two sample bottles accepted by the laboratories depending upon what testing we need them to do. When the GP, Nurse or Admin staff speak to you they will advise which bottle you need to provide. Unfortunately, if the sample is in the wrong bottle, the laboratories will reject it so please do not use a bottle you have at home unless the top of the bottle matches the colour we ask for. We have a large supply of empty bottles in reception on both sites so please collect the correct bottle from us if this helps.

  • Sputum, clippings & stool samples

The containers for these tests are known as universal containers and are available from reception.

  • Swabs

You will be provided with the appropriate containers and equipment by the requesting clinician. Reception will not provide you with swabs without instruction from a clinician.

All samples must be labelled when sent off so please do not hand over the samples, or place in the samples container without attaching the stickers provided by your clinician. Our receptionists are able reprint out the labels for you if you should need them. For health and safety reasons, they will not handle the samples for any reason.

All specimens for processing at the hospital laboratory are collected daily (excluding weekends) from the Surgery.

  • Please ensure that specimens are handed into reception before 2pm and that the container is properly labelled.

Getting your results

Did you know that you can access your results, without the need to call the surgery, through the NHS app. If you need to call for your results, we would recommend calling calling after 2pm to avoid our busiest time of the day.

The practice has a strict policy regarding confidentiality and data protection, and we will only release test results to the person they relate to, unless that person has given prior permission for the release of this data or they are not capable of understanding the results.

It is your responsibility to check your results and to make an appointment to discuss them with your doctor if you are advised to do so.

Enquiries about tests ordered by hospital consultants should be directed to the hospital and not the practice.

Additional services – PCN led

Primary care networks (PCNs) provide additional services that build on the core of current GP services and allow for greater provision of proactive, personalised, and coordinated health and social care.

Sunlight Group Practice is part of the Healthier South Wirral PCN which includes Eastham Group Practice, Spital Surgery, Civic Medical Centre & Orchard Surgery; we work alongside each other to make sure that our community of patients get the most patient-focused care that we can provide.

Below are some of the services that are available to our patients, if you would like further information, you can visit their website Healthier South Wirral PCN

  • Mental Health support
  • Clinical pharmacists
  • Specialist Nurses – learning disability, respiratory, CVD etc.
  • Health coaches
  • Care coordinators
  • Acute Care Team – this includes GPs, nurses & paramedics

Non-NHS service

Below is information on services that are not covered as part of our NHS contract. There are either chargeable by GPs or are not done by them at all. They are done outside of that GPs core hours – please speak to a member of our team if you require non-NHS work completing.

Medicals for pre-employment, sports and driving requirements (Taxi, HGV, PSV etc.)

  • Insurance claim form
  • Prescriptions for taking medication abroad
  • Private sick note
  • Vaccination certificate
  • Fitness to travel certificate
  • Driving licence form
  • Disabled Parking Bay request
  • To whom it may concern letters requested for supporting benefit claims etc.
  • Capacity assessment requested by solicitor.
  • Power of Attorney
  • Court of Protection


Our doctors are unable to countersign patient passport applications and photos due to changes in legislation. Visit the GOV.UK website on the following link for information about countersigning passport applications and photos: